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篇名 針刺條口穴治療五十肩之療效評估及文獻整理
卷期 15:3、15:3
並列篇名 The Effect Evaluation and Literature Summarization of Treating Frozen Shoulder with Acupoint Tiaokou
作者 藍英明鄭宜哲林正德
頁次 208-215
關鍵字 條口透承山五十肩針灸透穴評價Deep needling of ST38 towards UB58Frozen shoulderAcupunctureValue
出刊日期 200909




Adhesive capsulitis, aka Frozen shoulder, manifests in painful and stiff shoulder with limitation in movements. Acupuncture treatment of frozen shoulder often uses local points around shoulder joint and distant points ST38 and UB58. Deep needling of ST38 towards UB58 is commonly used in clinical practice. However, the origin of this technique and its mechanism are still unknown. In this article, authors reviewed ancient and recent literatures to summarize and analyze the clinical effects and of using ST38 in shoulder arthritis.
