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篇名 腰椎不穩定
卷期 15:3、15:3
並列篇名 Instability of Lumbar Spine
作者 徐堅銘林師彬
頁次 216-228
關鍵字 腰椎不穩定脊椎滑脫下背痛Instability of lumbar spineSubluxation of vertebraeLow back pain
出刊日期 200909




Instability of lumbar spine is the subluxation of lumbar vertebrae when external force is present. It is the main cause of low back pain and sciatica. The stability of lumbar spine is maintained by intervertebra discs, facet joints, muscles and adjacent ligaments. Factors that cause the instability of the lumbar spine include weak muscle tension, genetic disorders, degeneration, trauma and even operation, tumor or infection. This article reviews instability of lumbar spine from different fields including clinical medicine, imaging medicine, biokinetics and physiotherapy.
