
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 大學生最佳經驗及相關情境與個體因素:微觀分析取向
卷期 33:2
並列篇名 Situational and Individual Factors Related to Optimal Experience in College Students: A Microanalytic Approach
作者 曾文志
頁次 1-32
關鍵字 optimal experiencesituational factorsindividual factorscollege students大學生最佳經驗情境因素個體因素TSSCI
出刊日期 201006




This study investigated the personal traits and contextual conditions associated with optimal experience among college students. The design of the study involved an experience sampling methodology; 101 college students completed experience surveys at eight times during the day for a period of one week, resulting in a total 5,640 observations. Results from hierarchical linear modeling analyses showed that withinindividual variance comprised 70% of the total variance in optimal experience, and the contextual factors such as one’s activities, companions, and perceptions of autonomy, importance, and the interaction of challenges and skills explained 39% of the withindividual variance in optimal experience. Additionally, about 30% of the variation was attributable to mean differences in optimal experience among participants. Age and career self-efficacy were associated with average levels of optimal experience. Career self-efficacy also impacted the degree of association between contextual factors and optimal experience within individuals. These findings reveal that there is substantial variation in optimal experience both within persons and across persons. Implications for practice, research, and theory are also discussed.
