
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 刻板印象激發對軍人創造表現的影響:以服從為調節變項
卷期 33:2
並列篇名 The Effects of Stereotype Activation on the Military’s Creativity: Moderating Effects of Conformity
作者 邱發忠姚妃宴
頁次 141-169
關鍵字 divergent thinkingremote associationinsightconformitystereotype activation頓悟性服從性遠距聯想擴散性思考刻板印象激發TSSCI
出刊日期 201006




This study aims to investigate the effects of stereotype activation on the military’s creative performance and the conformity moderate the relationship between the military’s creative stereotype activation and the creative performance. In experiment 1 and 2, inducing positive military’s creative stereotype activation, negative military’s creative stereotype activation or control group, afterward, subjects were asked to perform creative tasks. The results show that the group of positive military’s creative stereotype activation, relative to the control group and the group of negative military’s creative stereotype activation, the group has higher performance on Chinese Remote Association Test (CRAT) and Test of Insight Problem (TIP). In experiment 3, the procedure was the same as the experimental 1, besides using Divergent Thinking Test to measure creativity and using Military Conformity Test to gauge subject’s conformity. The result shows the conformity do not moderate the relationship between the negative military’s creative stereotype activation and the creative performance whereas the conformity moderate the relationship between positive military’s creative stereotype and creative performance.Furthermore, after activating positive military’s creative stereotype, the group of the high conformity has higher performance than the group of low conformity. Taken together, the results of the study suggest the positive military’s creative stereotype activation can enhance the creative performance whereas the negative military’s creative stereotype activation do not affect the creative performance, and the subject’s conformity make highly susceptible to positive military’s creative stereotype activation and to facilitate creative performance.
