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篇名 臺灣高速鐵路系統對地方發展之影響預測
卷期 34:3
並列篇名 Forecasting the Impact of Taiwan High Speed Rail System on Local Development
作者 林楨家馮正民黃麟淇
頁次 391-412
關鍵字 高速鐵路地方發展聯立方程模型High speed railLocal developmentSimultaneous equation modelingTSSCI
出刊日期 200509


臺灣高速鐵路系統即將於民國95年開始通車,屆時西部一日生活圈之目標將可達成,基於高速公路的經驗,預期高鐵系統對區域與地方發展將產生明顯的影響。由於國內高鐵系統伴隨著土地開發,而可區分為旅運服務與車站特定區兩部分,本研究目的在預測高鐵系統對地方層級的發展所可能帶來的影響。研究中使用聯立方程模型建構地方發展模型,以臺灣地區本島 323 個鄉鎮市之人口、產業、土地使用以及旅運資料作為模型校估樣本,根據校估結果推測與高鐵系統有關之改善交通可及性與增加都市發展土地對地方人口與產業的可能影響;並設計各種發展策略,模擬及比較高鐵系統在不同策略情境下對地方發展的影響差異。實證結果發現,改善交通可及性與增加都市發展土地對地區人口與產業產生正向影響,且後者之影響幅度大於前者;高鐵系統對地方發展的影響會隨著配套策略的不同而有所差異,改善車站聯外運輸系統以及促進車站特定區的開發,可以增加享受高鐵系統服務的鄉鎮市,並且增加高鐵系統對人口與產業正向影響的幅度。


Taiwan High Speed Rail (HSR) system will begin to operate in 2006, the dream of making the western Taiwan into a one-day living area will then come true. Based on the experiences of freeway’s influences, HSR might significantly influence regional, as well as local development in Taiwan. Taiwan HSR system includes not only travel service, but also the station area development projects (SADP). Therefore, the impact of Taiwan HSR system is resulted from two sources: HSR and SADP. This study focused on the local development impact of Taiwan HSR system. Simultaneous equation modeling is applied for analyzing the cause-effect relationships of local development, which is calibrated by the samples of 323 villages, towns or cities in Taiwan. The calibration data includes population, industry, land use and travel demand. Based on the calibrated model, the impact of improving accessibility, increasing urban development land, and different strategies related with HSR system were analyzed and discussed. We concluded as follows: Firstly, the improvement of accessibility positively influenced the local development of population and industry. Secondly, the increase of urban development land resulted in more positive influences on the local development of population and industry than the accessibility improvement does. Finally, improving the transportation feeder systems of the HSR stations enhanced local development of population and industry.
