
行政暨政策學報 TSSCI

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篇名 英國柴契爾政府改革背景與理念的探索
卷期 36、36
並列篇名 A Research for the Reform's Background and Ideas of the Thatcher Government in the UK
作者 劉坤億
頁次 81-118
關鍵字 柴契爾政府新右派新自由主義經濟理論公共選擇理論Thatcher governmentThe New RightNeo-liberalismPublic choice theoryTSSCI
出刊日期 200306


回顧一九八○年代迄今的全球性政府改革運動,不難發現,柴契爾夫人(Margaret Thatcher)於一九七九年五月入主白廳(Whitehall)成為英國首相後,其所發動的新右派改革路線,不僅改變了英國政府的管理文化,同時也對其他國家的政府改革產生相當深遠的影響。本文旨在藉由文獻分析,探討柴契爾發動政府改革運動的背景,並進一步探索新右派政府改革理念的內涵,期能累積對英國新右派政府改革途徑的瞭解。


The years since 1979, when Mrs. Margaret Thatcher became prime minister in the UK, have been particularly associated with the approach of New Right to reform public sector for resolving governing problems. The Thatcher government experiences during the 1980s and 1990s has been extraordinary, not only transformed the culture of government in the UK but also strongly influenced the administrative reforms in many other countries. For a better understanding in the reform of New Right, this article is trying to explore the reform’s background and ideas of the Thatcher’s administration.
