
行政暨政策學報 TSSCI

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篇名 非營利組織財務資訊的公開報導:美國經驗與其意涵
卷期 44
並列篇名 Nonprofit Organizations Developing Public Reporting of Financial Information: American Experience and Its Implication
作者 鄭惠文彭文賢
頁次 1-41
關鍵字 非營利組織課責資訊揭露公開報導透明度Nonprofit organizationAccountabilityInformation disclosurePublic reportingTransparencyTSSCI
出刊日期 200706




With 921 Earthquake in 1999, three Kaohsiung boys of Chang family suffering from Adrenoleukodystrophy in 2004, and South Asia Tsunami happening in 2005, a great numbers of donations flew to governmental authorities and charity organizations. However, due to lacking of the mechanism of public reporting, people do not know where the donations fly to and how the charity organizations allocate the resources to people in need. The civil society in theUnited States is well-developed and has had the practices of public reporting for a long time while Taiwan's nonprofit organizations have started to grow since martial law was lifted. This study is accordingly based on the American experience to explore the importance of financial disclosures for the developmentof nonprofit organizations in Taiwan. With the experiences learned from the United States, it expects to find future directions for Taiwan's nonprofit organizations in developing the mechanism of public reporting, increasing the transparency in operation, and finally achieving the goal of making good use ofsocial resources on behalf of the public.
