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篇名 靈性安適之概念分析
卷期 57:3
並列篇名 Spiritual Well-Being: A Concept Analysis
作者 楊均典顏效禹陳瑞娥
頁次 99-104
關鍵字 靈性安適概念分析靈性需求spiritual well-beingspiritual needconcept analysisMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201006




In the context of holistic care, the definition of unitary human being incorporates the physical, psychological,social and spiritual. However, patient spiritual well-being is often neglected by nurses. Part
of the reason for this is that a majority of clinical nurses have not had adequate training or practical guidance on spiritual caring methods. This paper applied th methodology outlined by Walker and Avant (2005) to analyze the concept of spiritual well-being. Analytical procedures used included a literature review of conceptual definitions of spiritual well-being and identification of defining attributes.
We then developed a concept of spiritual well-being by referencing borderline and contrary cases identified in the constructed model and identified antecedents and consequences. Empirical referents were
also outlined. Results show the defining attributes of spiritual well-being to be: (1) having a subjective feeling of happiness; (2) Affirming the self worth; (3) managing interpersonal relationships with an
open, accepting attitude; and (4) possessing an internal energy. This analysis is hoped to enhance nurse understanding of spiritual well-being in order to utilize the concept in their professional practice.
