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篇名 台灣地區注射藥癮者間C型肝炎基因型之流行病學變化
卷期 21:3
並列篇名 The Changing Epidemiology of Hepatitis C Virus Genotypes Among Injecting Drug Users In Taiwan
作者 李元民吳坤駿蔡坤霖
頁次 172-176
關鍵字 Hepatitis C genotypesIntravenous drug users注射藥癮者C型肝炎病毒基因型ScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201006


C型肝炎病毒 (HCV)和愛滋病毒(HIV-1),兩者間有相似的病毒傳播途徑。先前的研究中顯示,台灣2004年到2005年間於愛滋病感染之注射藥癮者間爆發了愛滋病病毒株CRF07_BC的感染疫情。CRF07_BC病毒株首次發現於中國雲南和新疆的注射藥癮者,同時也藉著運毒路線散播到其他國家也傳到了台灣。藉由愛滋病毒CRF07_BC病毒株感染途徑,台灣愛滋病感染之注射藥癮者間新基因亞型C型肝炎病毒於流行病學上也產生了很大的變化。研究顯示,目前C型肝炎病毒 1a, 3a和 6a基因亞型於注射藥癮者間佔有很高的比例。未來,臨床醫師及衛生防疫人員將面對及注意新基因亞型C型肝炎病毒株的散播及感染。


HCV is important as a co-infection in people infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), since both viruses share similar transmission routes. In previous studies, an HIV outbreak during which a recombinant form, (CRF) 07_BC, was spread among intravenous drug users (IDUs) in Taiwan between 2004 and 2005 was reported. The CRF07_BC infection strain was first found among intravenous drug users in Yunnan and Xinchiang, China. Simultaneously, these HCV genotypes may have been transmitted to Taiwan through the same route as that implicated for the transmission of HIV CRF07_BC infection to Taiwan. In summary, the genotypes 1a, 3a, and 6a, as a result of the impact of IDUs behavior and their drug trafficking route. In the future, publichealth workers should be aware of the challenge of new subtypes HCV infection.
