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篇名 阮籍、嵇康生死意識的底蘊與轉折
卷期 37:6=433
並列篇名 The Inside Information and Transition of Ruan Ji and Ji Kan’s Consciousness of Life and Death
作者 李玲珠
頁次 41-59
關鍵字 生死意識死亡觀阮籍嵇康竹林玄學Consciousness of Life and DeathRuan JiView on DeathJi KanMetaphysics of the Bamboo GroveA&HCI
出刊日期 201006




Death is the main source of anxiety and fear to human beings, and it’s also the hardest issue to conquer. Death is so unpredictable that it makes the helplessness of life. Wei and Jin dynasties were a time of
frequent warfare and human life was cheap. The time of Zhu Lin (Bamboo Grove) was during the period between Cao and Wei regime and Si Ma regime. Many massacres by titular scholasticism were more than other dynasty. Intellectuals were prompted by the struggle of survival to undertake an exploration into the issue of death and proposed the methods to conquer the issue of life and death. Ruan Ji and Ji Kan are the symbol of Zhu Lin intellectual and they have profound viewpoint about the issue of life and death indeed. Moreover, they also sketched the ideal model of conquering life and death issue to be an ultimate goal of practice. However, comparing the theories and behaviors of Ruan Ji and Ji Kan is full of conflicts of ideal and reality. Ruan Ji died of depression and Ji Kan was abandoned to an execution ground. The result pointed that their efforts were totally failed, but the failure of Ruan Ji and Ji Kan theory of conquering life and death may affected the thought of life and death to Yuan-Kang’s metaphysic, Guo Xiang’s ji ming and yuan rong or the conquering model of indulging in sensual pleasures in Western Jin Dynasty. Their unrestrained emotion and self-accomplishment, however, are to be another model of conquering life and death.
