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篇名 遊客登山安全知識之研究-插天山國家步道個案研究
卷期 22:3=261
並列篇名 A Study on People’ s Knowledge of Mountaineering Safety -A Case of the Chatianshan National Trail System
作者 邱美麗楊增華
頁次 151-168
關鍵字 重要-表現程度分析法山難登山客冒險觀光風險知覺MountaineerAdventure tourismMountaineering accidentRisk cognitionImportant-Performance Analysis
出刊日期 200809


登山健行是政府部門及許多民間社團都在推廣的活動,然而,山岳活動潛藏著冒險性與危險性,遊客在心情放鬆之餘,常不自覺地降低警覺,加上許多遊客登山安全知識不足,致使山難事件層出不窮。本研究以插天山國家步道為例,獲得 336份有效遊客問卷,分析不同人口統計變數與旅遊特性之遊客,是否登山安全知識有所不同,同時調查遊客對於山岳安全管理之軟硬體措施的看法;以敘述性統計、獨立樣本 T檢定、變異數分析,及重要-表現程度法(IPA)進行分析。研究發現,受訪者多為愛好登山的中年山友。不同登山頻率、登山路程規劃、教育程度,及職業之民眾,其登山安全知識有顯著差異。以 IPA法分析發現,民眾重視小路、叉路之警告及指示標誌的數量、解說牌宣傳登山應注意之安全事項,以及解說牌提供防止危險方法,惟遊客對此三項措施的滿意程度較低,值得管理機關加以注意與改善。


Mountain climbing and hiking are encouraged by the Taiwanese government and many private organizations in Taiwan. However, some protential dangers do exist in mountain areas. When people travel with a cheerful mind, their cognition of mountaineering risk is often reduced.
Furthermore, many people do not have good knowledge of mountaineering safety. These could cause tragical accidents in mountain areas. This study aimed to realize people’ s knowledge of mountaineering safety. We collected three hundreds and thirty six questionnaires in the Chatianshan
National Trail, Taiwan. Statistical methods of T-test, ANOVA, Important-Performance Analysis (IPA) Method, and descriptive statistics were performed. We found the respondents of survey mostly were middle-age mountaineers. People who have different mountaineeting experiences, climbing plans, occupations, and education level significantly differed in their knowledge of mountaineering safety. In order to present risks, our results of IPA showed the number of warning signs and direction
signs should be increased and the authorities were also suggested to establish more well-use interpretation boards to introduce mountaineering safety issues, and educate first-aid knowledge and methods.
