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篇名 樟樹及臺灣櫸的年輪特徵值對動彈性模數及抗壓強度之影響
卷期 22:3=261
並列篇名 Effects of Ring Characteristics on the Compressive Strength and Dynamic Modulus of Elasticity of Cinnamomum camphora and Zelkova formosana
作者 李佳如林振榮曾家琳蔡明哲
頁次 197-209
關鍵字 木材密度量變曲線年輪特徵值抗壓強度動彈性模數Ring characteristicsWood density profileCompressive strengthDynamic modulus of elasticity
出刊日期 200809


本研究利用 X-ray 及樹輪分析系統解析樟樹及臺灣櫸的九個年輪特徵值,探討樟樹及臺灣櫸的年輪特徵值對動彈性模數及抗壓強度之影響,結果得知抗壓強度與動彈性模數之間有顯著正相關性存在,抗壓強度隨著年輪寬度參數的減少而增加,隨著年輪密度參數的增加而增加,年輪特徵值對抗壓強度的影響在縱向、徑向及弦向三種試材的反應不相同,年輪密度與抗壓強度之間具有顯著性的相關性存在,但並不是唯一影響木材強度的因素。綜合而論,影響抗壓強度的重要指標是年輪密度參數,決定木材密度的重要參數為早材密度、晚材密度、最小密度、最大密度等四個年輪特徵值,而年輪密度與年輪寬度之間的相關性於樟樹與臺灣櫸有差異,臺灣櫸沒有相關而樟樹呈正相關。


The effects of ring characteristics on the compressive strength and dynamic modulus of elasticity of two hardwood species (Cinnamomum camphora and Zelkova formosana) by X-ray QMS tree ring analyzer system and Sylvatest ultrasonic-wave techniques were examined. The results
revealed compressive strength and dynamic modulus of elasticity were positively correlated, although the correlation coefficients were low (r = 0.53–0.65). As a whole, compressive strength increased with the decreasing ring width parameters and also increased with the increasing ring density parameters. The effects of ring characteristics on the compressive strength were different in the longitudinal, radial, and tangential directions. The ring density was related to the compressive
strength, but it was not the sole factor in affecting strength of wood. Overall, the ring density parameters were the important variables for evaluating compressive strength of wood, in which the earlywood density, latewood density, minimum density, and maximum density were the most
important predictors of ring density. The ring density that were not correlated with ring width of the two hardwood species suggested tree growth may have little to worry about in terms of declining wood quality.
