
行政暨政策學報 TSSCI

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篇名 國家機關鑲嵌自主性理論之探討:國家機關與中小企業鑲嵌關係之分析
卷期 2
並列篇名 Embedded Autonomy of the State: The Embedded Relationship between the State and the Small and Middle Size Enterprises
作者 張世賢
頁次 147-194
關鍵字 DemiurgeHusbandryMidwiferyCustodianThe small and medium-scale enterpriseAbsolute autonomyRelative autonomyThe stateEmbedded autonomy供給者當家主政者助產者監督者絕對自主性相對自主性鑲嵌自主性中小企業國家機關TSSCI
出刊日期 200010




 After reviewing embedded autonomy of the state from theembedded relationship and roles between the state and the Smalland Medium-Scale Enterprises (SMEs) in ROC, the author revised Evan's theory with dynastic pattern of embedded autonomy. Itmeans that embedded autonomy of the state should be dynamic inits Figuration, depending on its different roles in the differentnational developing stage.
