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篇名 十二年基本國民教育政策之分析與建議
卷期 662
並列篇名 Examining the Feasibility of the Twelve Years Basic Education Policy in Taiwan
作者 莊玉鈴秦夢群
頁次 2-9
關鍵字 十二年基本國民教育中等教育教育政策twelve years basic educationsecondary educationeducational policy
出刊日期 201004




The main purpose of this paper is to examine the feasibility of the Twelve Years Basic Education policy that will be carried out in 2011 by the Ministry of Education in Taiwan. As one of the major policies of educational reforms in the next decade, Twelve Years Basic Education intends to establish a diversified, autonomous, and flexible educational system that will be capable of fulfilling the functions of modern education. This paper highlights several conceivable controversial issues emerged from the implementation of the new policy including cost, social equity, and testing procedure. It is suggested that strategic and technical changes should be made to strengthen the applicability of the Twelve Years Basic Education.
