
行政暨政策學報 TSSCI

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篇名 多元主義與民主
卷期 50
並列篇名 Pluralism and Democracy
作者 許國賢
頁次 1-31
關鍵字 多元主義民主一元論pluralismmonismdemocracyTSSCI
出刊日期 201006




As an antithesis of monism, pluralism insists that there are more than one answer to any genuine question and also contends that all the goods and objective values in human life cannot be harmonized into a unified and consistent system. On the contrary, the desirable goods are usually in conflict and are therefore incommensurable. This article investigates Isaiah Berlin’s enduring contributions to pluralist reasoning both as a political theorist and as a historian of ideas, and then analyses what pluralism can tell for political theory and modern democracy.
