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篇名 苔癬樣糠疹(Pityriasis Lichenoides)中藥治療病例報告
卷期 16:2
並列篇名 TCM Herbal Treatment on Pityriasis Lichenoides: A Case Study
作者 蔡馥如張志浩
頁次 88-95
關鍵字 苔癬樣糠疹丘疹中醫中藥治療
出刊日期 201006


本病例是一位28歲女性患者,於去年(97 年)年中突發全身性丘疹,經西醫診斷為疑似苔癬樣糠疹,以西藥治療成效不彰且體重急增故轉而尋求中醫診治,中醫辨證依據風濕熱病因,治以清熱涼血祛風燥濕之劑後痊癒,其後患者停藥近三個月未再發,體重也恢復到未患病之前的重量,然98 年2 月因皮膚微有丘疹復發傾向故再次前來求診,辨證治療方向仍不變,治療後停藥至今未再發,體重身型也在正常範圍。由於中藥療效顯著故藉此案例探討中醫治療此病之病因病機及方藥。


This is a 28-year-old female patient who suffered from overall rashes in 1997 and was diagnosed with Pityriasis Lichenoides. She was treated with Western medication with no success and a sudden increase of body weight so that she turned to traditional Chinese medicine for help. She was treated with formulas to clear heat, cool blood, disperse wind and dry dampness due to her wind-camp-heat pattern. The patient was fully recovered with previous body weight and has stopped taking herbs for nearly 3 months without any relapse. In Feb. 1998, the patient started to have skin papules and visited again. The treatment principle was the same as previous one, and the patient has no relapse every since with normal body weight. This article is to discuss the etiology, mechanism and herbal formal involved in this successful case.
