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篇名 中醫治療退化性膝關節炎的臨床進展
卷期 16:2
並列篇名 Clinical progress of degenerative knee joint arthritis treated with Traditional Chinese Medicine
作者 高宗桂
頁次 125-132
關鍵字 退化性關節炎膝關節中醫臨床進展osteoarthritisKnee jointclinical progressTraditional Chinese Medicine
出刊日期 201006


退化性膝關節炎是臨床常見的多發性關節軟骨疾病,好發於 50歲以上的中老年人。臨床表現主要是膝痛、僵硬、腫脹、關節積液及活動功能障礙,影響患者生活品質。現代臨床的多中心隨機臨床試驗研究早已證實,中醫療法對退化性膝關節炎安全有效,而且副作用極小。本文介紹近年中醫治療退化性膝關節炎的臨床進展,期盼結合現代醫學,發揮中醫各家所長,採取綜合治療,把


Degenerative knee arthritis is one of the clinical common articular cartilage disease, usual suffered over 50 years old people. Major Clinic behave as knee ache, rigidity, tumefaction, joints accumulate liquid and act function's obstacle, that affect patient’s quality. Modern clinical
polycentric at random clinic experiment research already confirmation, Therapeutics of Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ) to degenerative knee arthritis showed safety in effect, and little side effect. This paper introduce recent year’s clinic progress of TCM treat degenerative kncee joint's arthritis。We expect to combine modern medical science, exert each herbalist doctor's advantage, adopt synthesis treatment, to lift the cure effect of degenerative knee joint's arthritis to higher extent.
