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篇名 腸易激綜合徵患者的生活素質研究30例
卷期 15:4
並列篇名 Quality of Life of 30 Cases of Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome
作者 馮新偉
頁次 272-277
關鍵字 Assessment toolHongkong districtQuality of lifeIBS評價工具生活素質香港特別行政區腸易激綜合徵
出刊日期 200912




Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a very common digestive symptom with complicated etiology, high morbidity and unclear mechanism. Itimpacts heavily on patients' quality of life that covers physiological, psychological and sociological factors. This article study the characteristics of syndromes and the change of quality of life of 30 cases of IBS patients, and it researches on the feasibility of applying quality of life assessment as an assessment tool of diagnosis and treatment of IBS. The result shows lower value of psychological functions in IBS patients than those of non-IBS patients with significant difference statistically. However, the comparison of quality of life between treatment group and control group shows no significant difference. The result shows great deal of limitation in terms of applying quality of life assessment as the assessment tool of diagnosis or treatment of IBS.
