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篇名 營運流程再造啟動資訊平台整合與部署之研究
卷期 8:1
並列篇名 A Case Study of Business Process Re-engineering for Enabling Operating Platform Integration and Deployment
作者 劉俊宏吳怡瑾楊 千
頁次 1-33
關鍵字 關鍵指標平台整合與部署企業流程再造企業資源管理客戶關係管理Business Process Re-engineeringCustomer Relationship ManagementEnterprise Resource PlanningPlatform Integration and DeploymentKey Successful Factors
出刊日期 201006


面對產業環境的快速變遷與業務的快速發展,迫使組織營運流程與資訊系統必須重新規劃,一方面可以監督事業處所有人員的平常營業活動,另一方面希望透過指標的建立,使得所有的營業活動更加透明。研究個案預期透過滿足該科技設備事業之完整指標的建立:前瞻指標、領先指標、當下指標、歷史指標,進行企業流程再造 (Business Process Reengineering, BPR),並建立一套符合科技事業使用之作業系統。本研究由各項流程觀點結合定義的關鍵指標,主要改良系統為:(1)供應商關係管理系統 (Supplier Relationship Management, SRM):專為產品人員提供的管理系統,主要是新產品開發及舊產品拓展之管理系統;(2)客戶關係管理系統 (Customer Relationship Management, CRM):專為業務人員所提供的管理系統,主要是新案件開發成交之管理系統;(3)企業資源管理系統 (Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP):重新架構為專案控制管理系統制度下之 ERP 系統,為商務人員所提供的應用管理系統。新作業平台考量新市場通路、產品開發與技術服務之成功關鍵因素而進行平台整合創新與流程再造,使得企業經營活動朝向精緻化經營的目標。預期該作業平台完成後,經驗可複製到大陸地區,建立核心競爭力;同時期待藉由本研究,提供相關工業產品代理服務業一套完整的作業模式。


With the ever-changing business environment and the expanding scope of business, organizations need to constantly redesign or update their business process and information systems to fit specific business contexts. This work proposes a system platform by a systematic business process re-engineering process in the Technology Business Unit of a case
company. The benefits of new operating platform are twofold: (1) it improves supervision of business activities; and (2) it makes business activities more transparent by considering four key indexes: the future index, leading index, current index, and historic index. The new
operating platform is comprised of the following systems: (1) A Supplier Relationship Application Management system, which focuses on new product research and market exploitation; (2) A Customer Relationship Management system, which provides management of customer cases for exploring future sales; and (3) An Enterprise Resource Planning system, which connects with the Project Control Management system to provide effective management of enterprise resources. To support more elaborate business operations, the operating platform considers three key success factors, namely, the product distribution channel, product development and technology services. The platform provides new upgraded processes that not only help increase sales and profits, but also reduce the size of inventories and the accounts receivable workload. The platform can be employed in the China market to enhance the core competencies of the case company.
