
Hwa Kang English Journal

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篇名 An Analysis of Problems of Taiwanese IELTS Test Candidates in Their Speaking Sub-Test
卷期 16
並列篇名 臺灣雅思考生口語能力落差問題分析
作者 龔營
頁次 141-167
關鍵字 IELTS Speaking TestTaiwanese IELTS test candidateswashback effect雅思口試測試回波效應臺灣雅思考生
出刊日期 201007


本文是首篇針對臺灣雅思考生在其口試部分的典型錯誤進行探討的文章。作者以雅思口試部分的四項評分標準對近年内500 多位臺灣考生的分數進行分析,結果顯示臺灣考生在四項成績方面均呈現較高的内部正相關,平均成績與英國大學入學要求有一級的落差。本研究對高校的廣大英語教師改進其口語教學方面有較好的參考價值與反思作用。


IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is one of the most
popular English proficiency tests in the world. As the first study in Taiwan,this paper addresses the major errors that Taiwanese IELTS candidates make in its Speaking Test across the four assessment criteria set by Cambridge ESOL. The focus of this research is on the features of output test scores of the Taiwanese IELTS candidates. The researcher looked into a data of over 500 samples both qualitatively and quantitatively, finding that internal correlations among the four test criteria are strong, and the mean score is one–band lower than the required by many British universities. This paper is intended as an investigation of how college English programmes in Taiwan could benefit from the positive washback effect of the IELTS test. It is believed that this research can provide valid information for college English teachers to improve their speaking courses.
