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篇名 慢性牙周炎患者矯正治療後之根尖吸收
卷期 4:2
並列篇名 Root Resorption after Orthodontic Therapy in Patients with Chronic Periodontitis
作者 黃懷寬黃志浩
頁次 040-050
關鍵字 abnormal occlusionocclusal reconstructionorthodontic treatmentroot resorptionperiodontitis根尖吸收牙周炎異常咬合咬合重建矯正治療
出刊日期 200909




There are few studies discussing if orthodontic force may cause different root reaction to periodontal compromised dentition. This article reports two cases of chronic periodontitis presenting severe apical root resorption after full mouth orthodontic treatment. It indicates that periodontal compromised teeth may have their center of resistance changed because of attachment loss. The situation then makes a normal orthodontic force into abnormal because of lesser bony support. When a patient of chronic periodontitis undergo full mouth orthodontic treatment, we should reevaluate root morphology by taking periapical radiographs 6 to 8 months after the activation of orthodontic force. If it demonstrates initial root resorption, treatment should be halted for 2 to 3 months with passive archwires to reduce the possibility of severe root resorption.
