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篇名 公平知覺與顧客忠誠關聯之驗證:關係品質的角色
卷期 13:3
並列篇名 Examining Relationships between Perceived Fairness and Customer Loyalty: The Roles of Relationship Quality
作者 施錦村
頁次 60-86
關鍵字 公平知覺關係品質顧客忠誠Perceived fairnessRelationship qualityCustomer loyaltyTSSCI
出刊日期 200809




This study examined the relationships between perceived fairness (payment equity, interaction fairness and procedural fairness) and customer loyalty, simultaneously examined the mediating roles of relationship quality among them by different empirical models. Although a study of customer loyalty also will prevail in the 21 century business management area, and there are different empirical results in the same type studies, but little study validates above issues in the previous researches. Based on those reasons, this study integrates past empirical results and addresses 3 different models (Direct Effect Model, Full Mediate Model and Non-full Mediate Model) to examine. The empirical results confirm that the "Non-full Mediate Model" is the best fitness model among them. They also confirm paths of "Non-full mediate Model" are significant except between interaction fairness, procedural fairness and customer loyalty. Furthermore, it is a notice issue that there is a weak direct effect (90% significant) between procedural fairness and customer loyalty, this result has not been examined by previous study.
