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篇名 魏晉風度─論陸機《文賦》與音樂、書法
卷期 9:3
並列篇名 Wei and Jin Dynasties Manner -- “Literature: A Rhapsody” over Music and Calligraphy
作者 周黃美惠
頁次 109-128
關鍵字 書法音樂文學以文述樂魏晉風度Verbal MusicCalligraphyMusicLiteratureWei and Jin Dynasties Manner
出刊日期 201009




Lu Ji’s (261-303) “Literature: A Rhapsody” is concerned with the process of writing, from the search that precedes inspiration to the transforming effect on the reader that follows putting down the pen.In between, the writer's task is to harmonize this inner world of thoughts and feelings with the outer world of things, and to find words to match his perception of meaning or truth…….The protagonist of the Rhapsody, his act of writing–comprises three stages. First he gathers fuel.Next he compresses his far-flung material in his mind, achieving a concentrated view of the world and his workFinally, the completed work flows from his pen with the force of a rushing wind to carry out literature's task of mortal transformation.This is the first systematic treatment of literary criticism in Chinese and one of only a few to be cast in literary form.It pays attention to the definition of genres in more detail than Cao Pi’s (187-226) “On Literature”, and is concerned with the description and solution of fault.
