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篇名 羅素閒暇論
卷期 37:9=436
並列篇名 Bertrand Russell on Idleness
作者 羅善幽蘭
頁次 61-73
關鍵字 閒暇恰佩克(Karel Capek)羅素(Bertrand Russell)休閒倫理學政治理論功利主義IdlenessLeisureEthicsPolitical TheoryUtilitarianismBertrand Russell, Karel CapekA&HCI
出刊日期 201009




The emergence of leisure has been mainly seen as part of the process of modernization. We are used to see leisure as the counterpart or as a reward of work, as the consequence of the regular alternation of work and leisure, a product of industrial capitalism. As soon as the expansion of leisure and mass leisure became to be seen as tied to the rise of consumer society, leisure itself could be understood either as a non-productive conception of time (Th. Veblen) or criticized as a creature of the market and a forced activity (The Frankfurt School). Besides the two terms of this opposition between work and „leisure‟, it is important to consider a third one: idleness. The term imposed itself and soon functioned as an alternative to the modern concept of leisure.
The article discusses the argumentative potentials of the notion in the writings of B. Russell, R.L. Stevenson and K. Capek.
