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篇名 田園牧歌的詩風想像:歐洲傳統的休閒理念
卷期 37:9=436
並列篇名 The Pastoral Imagery: The Idealized Vision of Leisure in European Tradition
作者 梵樂歐劉千美 譯幽蘭
頁次 21-40
關鍵字 田園牧歌保爾和薇吉妮達孚尼與克羅伊潘神的牧笛獨眼巨人裸體美學阿爾卡迪PastoralArcadiaPan FluteCyclopsAesthetics of NudeDaphnis and ChloéPaul et VirginieA&HCI
出刊日期 201009


相較於《達孚尼與克羅伊》(Daphnis et Chloé)以及《阿絲特蕾》(L’Astrée)田園牧歌所隱含的休閒理念,田園風格的小說《保爾和薇吉》(Paul et Virginie)所顯示的是另類不同的思維;古代田園牧歌中的異教風味不再是美感愉悅的來源了,聖皮耶的博那丁在其敘事故事中,所宣示的是一種道德的情操,一種浪漫主義的觀點,表達出基督徒超越社會、非性別之理想的觀點。


The Western idealised vision of leisure is rooted in the pastoral genre, which has inspired poetry and aesthetics since the ancient Greeks. So familiar are the stereotypes of this genre that one tends to underestimate their lasting influence on the Western culture and its body image. Living in Arcadia, in close relations with divinities, the shepherds convey the attractive image of youth, beauty and sexual love.
The specificity of these representations appear by contrast with the Chinese images of the Immortals, who look like old and studious hermits.
Compared to Daphnis and Chloe and L’Astrée, Paul et Virginie offers
an other revealing contrast : whereas the pagan pastoral is no more than
a source of aesthetic pleasure, the story told by Bernardin de Saint Pierre claims to be a moral one, a Romantic version of the supra social and anti sexual Christian ideal.
