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篇名 澳門詩人葦鳴跨區域文學傳播研究
卷期 17
並列篇名 The Study of Literature Communication in Multi-area from Macau Poet Wei-ming
作者 須文蔚
頁次 127-155
關鍵字 葦鳴場域華文文學現代主義文學傳播Cheng Wai MingModernismLiterary FieldLiterary Communica-tionSinophone LiteratureTHCI Core
出刊日期 201007


本文以澳門詩人葦鳴的跨區域文學傳播活動為對象,採用深度訪談法,釐清葦鳴複雜的遷移與文學傳播歷程。從葦鳴身處的傳播環境,及其與社群成員互動的過程來看,他曾在澳門大學任教(1990-2000) ,且積極參與各式文學作品選集的編輯,其論述能力與學院教職的地位,使他很快從前衛、邊緣的位置進入文學場域的核心,帶領澳門文學的現代主義文藝風潮。不過隨著葦鳴淡出澳門文壇,亦可展現出澳門現代主義運動力量的消散,並不是因為作家創作能量的衰退,而是在媒體與學院中象徵性符號競逐的過程使然。同時,在跨區域詩學的傳播上,葦鳴的詩作多在香港發表與出版,他積極參與華文文學組織與文學獎的競逐,帶領澳門作家邁步走向世界,活躍地進行跨區域的文學傳播。藉由澳門詩人葦鳴跨區域文學傳播的研究,不難發現當代華文文學的發展,已經不是一個單純地區性的傳播行為。


This article discusses the cross-area communication of literature by
Macau poet Cheng Wei Ming (Wei-ming). In-depth interviews were con-ducted to clarify his history of complicated migrations and literary dis-
Regarding environment and interaction with members in other com-munities, he had been in the faculty of Macau University (1990-2000) and participated enthusiastically in composing various anthologies. With his
faculty background and capability to deliberate, it was not surprising that he moved from avant-garde and marginal roles to the core of literary field in a very short period and led the modernism trend in Macau literature.
From Wei-ming’s phasing out from Macau literature, we could tell that the dissipation of momentum in Macau modernism movement was not due to poet’s loss of creativity, but the result of symbolic icon competition in media and campus.
As to cross-area spreading of poems, Wei-ming not just published his
works mostly in Hong Kong, but frequently participated in Chinese literary organizations as well as competitions. He actively spread literature to dif-ferent geographic areas, thus leading men of letters in Macau to the world.
From study of Wei-ming’s cross-area literary communication we con-clude that modern Chinese literature development is no longer a simple local behavior.
