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篇名 職業功能對於接受美沙冬替代療法的海洛因成癮者藥物濫用信念之影響
卷期 16:1
並列篇名 The Influence of Occupational Function on Beliefs toward Drug Abuse Heroin Addicts Receiving Methadone Maintenance Treatment
作者 石雅萍侯瑞瑜孫子晴黃家嫻李朝煌姚成榮
頁次 7-14
關鍵字 美沙冬替代療法藥物濫用信念就業管道occupational training programsMethadone maintenance treatmentbeliefs toward drug abuse
出刊日期 201003


目的:探討接受美沙冬替代療法之海洛因成癮者其職業功能對於藥物濫用信念的影響。方法:自民國96年1月至96年12月間,於某區域教學醫院精神科門診接受美沙冬替代療法之初診海洛因成癮者,先以藥物濫用信念量表進行施測,再將受試者分為有就業與無就業兩組,以獨立樣本t檢定(independent t test)進行職業功能對海洛因成癮者藥物濫用信念的影響之分析。結果:共收案113位:男性佔96人(85 %),女性佔17人( 15%)。平均年齡為36.96±8.49歲。平均海洛因使用年數11.52±5.59年。職業功能方面:有就業者74人( 65.5%)、無就業者39人(34.5%)。有就業組濫用藥物信念平均分數為53.31±19.17,無就業組濫用藥物信念平均分數為62.95±15.00。以獨立樣本t檢定結果(t=2.728,p=0.007),顯示有無就業會影響海洛因成癮者藥物濫用信念。討論:由研究結果發現,有就業之海洛因成癮者的藥物濫用信念偏差明顯低於無就業者。藥癮者長期受藥友及藥癮次文化圏的影響,致缺乏正常社交人際關係、與家人疏離、無穩定的婚姻關係、欠缺一技之長等,而無法就業、缺乏正常穩定的工作更是藥癮者於戒癮過程中常面臨的困境。若能積極規劃藥癮者之職業訓練課程,由公部門釋出適當的工作機會,增加藥癮者的就業管道,方能幫助藥癮者回歸正常生活。


Objective:To evaluate the influence of occupational function on beliefs toward drug abuse among heroin addicts receiving methadone maintenance treatment. Methods:The subjects were heroin addicts receiving methadone maintenance treatment at the psychiatric outpatient department of a regional hospital between January and December of 2007. A belief toward drug abuse questionnaire was filled out by subjects to quantify their belief toward drug abuse. The subjects were divided into two groups- employed and unemployed. Independent t test was utilized to measure the difference in beliefs toward drug abuse of two groups. Results:There were 113 subjects included in the study. 74(65.5%) subjects were employed and 39(34.5%) subjects were unemployed. The average age in years was 36.96±8.49, 96(85%) subjects were males and 17(15%) subjects were females. The average number of years using heroin were 11.52±5.59. Beliefs as measured by the drug abuse questionnaire obtained from the employed group were 53.31±19.17, while for the unemployed group the score was 62.95±15.00. Independent t test utilized in both groups to measure the difference in scores (t=2.728, p=0.007) showed significant difference. Beliefs toward drug abuse were related to occupational function in heroin addicts. Discussion:According to the study results, the scores of beliefs toward drug abuse in employed heroin addicts are lower than the unemployed group. Heroin addicts lack social and family support. They also had multiple drug convictions, resulting in being misunderstood by the public. Efforts should be made to pay more attention to the above issues. The provision of jobs from government agencies and arranging occupational training programs for heroin addicts were suggested. Thus, they can keep up their abstinence programs and return to a normal life style.
