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篇名 孤寂的概念分析
卷期 57:5
並列篇名 Loneliness: A Concept Analysis
作者 黃宜貞王桂芸陳金彌
頁次 96-101
關鍵字 孤寂概念分析lonelinessconcept analysisMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201010


息息相關,但卻很少有學者對「孤寂」這個概念作進一步的分析。本文依據Walker和Avant (2005)的概念分析步驟,描述孤寂的鑑定性特徵,介紹與孤寂相似的概念,並以案例說明孤寂的概念,說明產生孤寂的前因與後果,簡介測量孤寂的工具。結果發現孤寂的鑑定性特徵為個人的主觀情緒、可被形容為寂寞、沮喪、消沉或空虛及代表心靈上與他人分離的感覺。期望藉由本文讓護理人員對孤寂能有更進一步的認識及了解,早期評估個案的孤寂感受,適時提供介入處置,以維護個案的身心健康。


Loneliness is a kind of mood that most people have experienced at one time or another. Individual experiences with loneliness as joyful or painful saturation are highly personal and can be defined only in such a context. Loneliness has differing effects on the long-term health of individuals. Although loneliness impacts greatly on individual health, there is little in the literature related to concept analyses of loneliness. The purpose of this article was to use Walker and Avant’s (2005) concept analysis methodology to review conceptual definitions of loneliness, characteristics, antecedents and consequences; construct examples and establish empirical measurements. Results indicate that defining attributes of loneliness included an individual’s subjective mood, descriptions of aloneness, depression, desolation or empty feelings, and the perception of the spirit isolated from others. It is hoped that nursing staffs may better understand loneliness through this article, provide an assessment of client loneliness as early as possible, and enhance client health condition.
