
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 強勢目標或多元目標?不同分析法對國小學童學習歷程之差異比較與成就目標影響學習成就路徑之模式檢驗
卷期 33:3
並列篇名 Salient Goal or Multiple Goals?--The Comparison of Two Analyzing Methods with the Learning Pattern for Elementary School Students and the Examination of the Achievement Goal Path Model
作者 陳嘉成
頁次 107-137
關鍵字 成就目標強勢目標多元目標achievement goalsalient goalmultiple goalsTSSCI
出刊日期 201009




One goal of this study is to compare learning patterns of elementary school K-6 students by two different analytical approaches (salient goal and multiple goals) using sample size 306 elementary school K-6 students. By using analytical approach of salient goal, our results support the argument that the mastery goal is associated with adaptive pattern, and the performance goal is associated with maladaptive pattern. However, the results by the analytical approach of multiple goals propose that outcome by performance goal does not necessarily accompany negative impact and the outcome depends on varied context.
