
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 高級中等學校學生批判思考態度量表發展之研究
卷期 33:3
並列篇名 The Development of the Senior High School Students Attitude Scale on Critical Thinking
作者 劉秀瑛
頁次 139-174
關鍵字 批判思考態度構念內涵critical thinkingattitudeconstruct connotationTSSCI
出刊日期 201009




The study based on which one standardized tests were constructed, namely. The attitude scale on critical thinking for senior high school students. Through extensive literature reviews, interviews, and document analysis, the characteristics of critical thinking and related scale tools were further explored. Besides, to conclude the fundamental aspects and characteristics of critical thinking, we also interviewed cases, including senior high school students and field experts and scholars. The results from the qualitative studies were concluded, organized, and then used to formulate the questionnaires for the standardized scale.
