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篇名 Second Primary Malignancies in Patients with Nasopharyngeal Cancer after Radiotherapy: A 38-Year Follow-Up
卷期 17:1
並列篇名 鼻咽癌放射治療後發生第二原發癌症:三十八年的追蹤經驗
作者 蘇瑜富任益民黃文彥趙興隆陳昌明林群書林昆澤
頁次 1-8
關鍵字 鼻咽癌第二原發癌症放射治療發生率Nasopharyneal cancerSecond primary malignanciesRadiotherapyIncidenceTSCI
出刊日期 201003




Purpose: To define the incidence and risk of the second primary malignancies (SPM) in patients with nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC) post radiotherapy in our hospital. We also analyze their prognosis after the SPM Materials and Method: Between April 1971 and April 2009, 1367 patients were indentified to have NPC after definitive radiotherapy. Of them, 45 patients developed SPM. They received various treatment strategies including surgery with or without adjuvant radiotherapy, concurrent chemoradiotherapy or radiotherapy alone. Radiotherapy technique included conventional radiotherapy, three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3DCRT) and intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT). Results: The most common site for a SPM was the head and neck region, lung, liver and leukemia & lymphoma in decreasing order. The median time to development of SPM was 94 months. The crude incidence was 3.3%. The 20-year cumulative rate of development of SPM was 16.7%. Older patient has a higher incidence of 39.1%. The incidence between patients who received conventional radiotherapy and those having 3DCRT or IMRT is not significantly different (p=0.666). There is no significant difference for survival in NPC with or without SPM (p=0.245). Conclusions: Head and neck cancer is the most common second cancer in NPC patients after radiotherapy. There is a trend to the development of SPM in the older age groups (>50 years old)
