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篇名 混合可調整式之無線感測網路壅塞控制機制
卷期 37
並列篇名 Hybrid-Flexible Congestion Avoidance Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks
作者 黃美文劉旭榮
頁次 63-77
關鍵字 電力效能混合可調整式控制無線感測網路無線感測網路energy efficientWireless Sensor Networks Hybrid-Flexible Congestion Avoidance Protocol
出刊日期 201009


在無線感測網路(Wireless Sensor Networks, WSNs)研究中,大部份還只是著重於如何何節省傳送感測節點之電能。然而,在有些無線感測網路應用系統中,利如監控地震或森林火災,如何將緊急訊號及時的傳送到伺服器接收端遠比節省電能來得重要。在此篇研究論文中,我們提出一混合可調整式之無線感測網路壅塞控制機制(HFCAP),此機制在平時狀態可以有效節省傳送節點之電能,而且在緊急狀況發生時,亦可有效將訊息優先傳送到接收端。實驗模擬結果顯示此控制機制在平時可有效節省傳送節點電能;在緊急狀況發生時亦可有效傳送訊息至接收端立即處理


Most of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) research topics consider how to save the energy of the sensor nodes. However, in some applications of WSNs, such as in the monitoring of an earthquake or forest wildfire, transmitting emergency data packets to the sink node as soon as possible is much more important than saving power. In this paper, we propose a Hybrid-Flexible Congestion Avoidance Protocol (HFCAP) WSNs model to provide a feasible WSNs architecture, which can save the energy of the sensor nodes in normal situation, but will transmit emergency data
packets in an efficient manner to the sink node. The simulation analysis shows that HFCAP obtains superior performance during emergency condition.
