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篇名 以消費者觀點探討網路遊戲廠商之經營策略
卷期 5:4
並列篇名 An Analysis of Online Game Firm’s Business Strategy Based on the Consumer Viewpoint
作者 李正文李元傑董丞家
頁次 367-376
關鍵字 online gameplayer loyaltyflow theory網路遊戲玩家忠誠度沉浸理論
出刊日期 201010




In recent years, the Internet becomes more popular and evolves as a vital resource with online game industry to create an amazing performance. As for the characteristic of online game -- exclusiveness, consumers always choose one specific game. This study uses questionnaire to collect the data of evaluating the key factors and their impact on the online game industry in Taiwan. Accordingly, this study conducts an empirical research to examine the relationships of player’s participation motivation, business patterns, game design, and player loyalty through Structural Equation Model.
Consequently, this study suggests that the producing game software companies should enforce the communication channel with consumers and continueously improve game quality in order to maintain higher player loyalty.
