
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 負向母親情結字詞聯想測驗之發展及信效度初探
卷期 33:4
並列篇名 Negative Mother Complex Word Association Test: Test Development and Preliminary Evidence of Reliability and Validity
作者 王郁文修慧蘭
頁次 053-080
關鍵字 負向母親情結字詞聯想測驗內隱聯想測驗精神官能症狀negative mother complexword association testimplicit association testneurosis symptomTSSCI
出刊日期 201012


本研究目的在修改Jung的字詞聯想測驗,發展負向母親情結字詞聯想測驗。以症狀自評量表篩選64名受試者,參與電腦施測的負向母親情結字詞聯想測驗與內隱聯想測驗。負向母親情結字詞聯想測驗全測驗信度α值為 .95。以內隱聯想測驗進行效度檢驗,同時效度達 .05顯著負相關。依據症狀自評量表的總平均區分高分組與低分組,負向母親情結字詞聯想測驗的刺激字反應時間在組間達 .05顯著差異,中性字反應時間則否,刺激字與中性字的反應時間組內皆達 .001顯著,表示具有構念效度。刺激字反應時間與精神官能症狀,呈顯著正相關並可預測精神官能症狀,表示具有構念效度。三位受試者訪談內容分析顯示,反應時間較長的刺激字,會引發受試者想起負向母子互動經驗。文末依據研究提出後續研究建議。


The purpose of this research was to make revisions on Jungian Word Association Test, and further, to develop Negative Mother Complex Word Association Test. There were 64 participants, screened in by Symptom CheckList-90-Revised, involved in the Negative Mother Complex Word Association Test and Implicit Association Test. Results of this research revealed that the Negative Mother Complex Association Test had a high internal consistency reliability (α=.95), and had concurrent validity (p<.05) with Implicit Association Test. A high score group and a low score group were divided based on the participants' SCL-90-R scores, then the T test of stimulus words reaction time showed a significant difference (p<.05) between high score group and the low score group; however, it showed no difference in the neutral words between the two groups. There were significant differences (p<.001) within each group for the reaction time of either the stimulus words or neutral words; therefore, it showed a constructive validity of this test. The stimulus words reaction time showed a significant positive correlation with neurosis symptoms, and this result revealed a good constructive validity. Three participants were interviewed in this research. Based on the content analysis of these three participants, a longer reaction time of stimulus words would trigger the memories of negative motherchild interaction experiences of the participants. Some suggestions for following up research are presented at the end of this research.
