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篇名 協助一位更年期婦女走出健康困擾之社區個案照護經驗
卷期 17:4=56
並列篇名 Helping a Woman to Walk through Her Perimenopausal Health Disturbance
作者 安奇曹麗英高千惠周碧琴
頁次 494-502
關鍵字 個案報告更年期護理更年期症狀困擾Case studyPerimenopause carePerimenopausal disturbance
出刊日期 200612




Perimenopausal period is inevitable for most women. However, experiences vary from person to person. This case report described the nursing experience of helping a 44-year old woman to walk through her perimenopausal period. By using perimenopausal disturbance and health behaviors scales, this woman was assessed to have the following health problems: vagina itches, vagina pain during sexual intercourse, joint pains, knowledge deficit of taking healthy diet, exercise less than the body requirement, and psychological pressure, etc. The nursing intervention included: sharing client掇 worries, teaching client to use watery lubricant during sexual intercourse, teaching client to take healthy food, encouraging client to choose exercise she likes -quick walking, and helping client to expand her life from house to neighborhoods community. Perimenopausal period is changeable. Woman needs to be understood and accompanied to pass through her perimenopausal period. The nursing experiences provided a good reference for taking care of perimenopausal woman.
