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篇名 應用羅氏適應理論護理癌末病患善終之經驗
卷期 15:4=48
並列篇名 A Nursing Experience for a Terminal Cancer Patient Adjusting to the Peaceful Death Based on Roy's Adaptation Model
作者 陳淑雅唐婉如李雅文
頁次 468-478
關鍵字 善終羅氏適應理論Peaceful deathRoy's adaptation model
出刊日期 200412




     This article described the nursing experiences of a 54 years old female patient in severe anxiety with terminal cancer. During May 27 to September 19 in 2002, the patient was assessed by “Roy's Adaptation Model”, including physical needs, self concept, role function, and interdependence mode. By means of physical examinations, interviews, and observation of family interactions, six nursing diagnoses were identified, including impaired physical mobility, pain, risk of infection, body image disturbance, altered family process, and death anxiety. Nursing interventions were implemented, including supplying comfortable care, maintaining hygiene, informing condition, empathizing, counseling, and accompanying, so that the patient can cope with the adaptation in physical, mental, and spiritual aspects. This patient reduced the fear of death and demonstrated a positive coping response eventually. This case study confirmed that “Roy's Adaptation Model” is useful in caring terminal cancer patient. This article can serve as a reference in clinical practice.
