
護理雜誌 MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 加護病房中化學性約束的使用與護理
卷期 57:6
並列篇名 Chemical Restraint and Nursing Care in the Intensive Care Unit
作者 余婕榛黃惠璣
頁次 083-088
關鍵字 化學性約束評估呼吸道評估血循鎮靜評估chemical restraintassess airwayassess circulationassess sedationMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201012


性約束亦有其副作用,在執行前應先評估呼吸道(airway)、呼吸(breathing)、血循(circulation)情況, 呼吸方面要密切監測呼吸音、呼吸型態、血氧濃度,以及早發現呼吸抑制的問題;血循方面應同時監測血壓及體液容積,若為低血容積病患,可先給予靜脈注射體液容積,避免低血壓的發生。總之,病患接受化學性約束過程唯有醫護人員密切評評估與監測,才能提供病患一個安全的照護計畫。


The intensive care unit (ICU) presents patients with an environment that is unfamiliar and isolating.In addition to the relative severity of diseases treated, ICUs frequently employ tube therapy, complex
medical treatments and diverse nursing routines. Such elevates the chances that patients will experience pain and anxiety, which, in turn, raise the likelihood of patient agitation and reduce ultimate treatment effectiveness. Research has shown that 71% of ICU patients experience agitation. Nurses have main caring responsibilities in such circumstances because they provide the greatest percentage of bedside care. The role of nurses is not only to assess patient needs in a timely fashion, but also to discuss with ICU physicians the level of chemical restraint needed in order to relieve patient pain and anxiety. As chemical restraints involve side effects, a study of patient airway status and breathing and circulation needs must be done prior to application. In terms of breathing, patient breathing sounds,patterns and saturation levels must be monitored regularly in order to identify airway distress preemptively.
In terms of blood circulation, patients should have their blood pressure and body fluid status monitored concurrently at regular intervals. With such data, should a patient become hypovolemic, appropriate intravenous fluid support may be administered prior to chemical restraint use in order to help prevent advanced hypotension. Based on such, it is clear that ICU team members must work closely together in order to monitor and assess patients prior to administering chemical restraints and to put into place a patient-tailored safety care plan.
