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篇名 馬一浮對朱、王學術的衡度與融攝--以涵養與察識的開展為軸
卷期 10
並列篇名 Yi-fu Ma's Opinions, Integration and Absorption of the Academic Thinking of Hsi Chu and Yang-ming Wang--With Focus on the Development of Ma's Personal Cultivation and Review
作者 王汝華
頁次 155-184
關鍵字 涵養察識馬一浮朱子王陽明CultivationReviewYi-fu MaHsi ChuYang-ming Wang
出刊日期 201006


素有「千年國粹,一代儒宗」、「代表傳統中國文化的僅存的碩果」It專統之儒之最後典型」之譽的民初大儒馬一浮,其學術資源淵本多方,倘 專就來自於宋明儒學的影響言,學者或納歸其為理學派、或視其為心學派,或稱其折衷於朱王間。本文係以(馬一浮集〉中所涉涵養與察識此組概念為軸,推及其功夫論中的涵養與致知、主敬與窮理等,藉觀馬一浮之立論要義,以及其對朱熹與陽明思想的衡度、判別、融攝與運用,由茲以驗馬一浮兼攝朱王,以朱子為主、陽明為輔的思想特色,而由其和會朱王,乃至氓除漢宋之爭、經今古文之別,以及各家門戶派別之左,亦得觀其兼容並蓄、融會通貫,一以見性明道為歸趨的思想立場。


Known as the "valuable elite and the great Confucianism master”,
“representative of traditional Chinese cultures”, and “model of traditional Confucians”, Yi-fu Ma, who enjoyed his fame during the early the Republican period, had diversified academic resources. He was considered a member of the School of Principle by some scholars, and a member of the School of Mind by some, while others regarded him as a thinker with the features of Hsi Chu and Yang-ming Wang. This paper focuses on the concept of “his personal cultivation and review” mentioned in “The Collection of Yi-fu Ma” (the title of a book), his concepts of “his personal cultivation and the extension of knowledge”, “seriousness and calm, exhaust principles” and discusses the arguments of Ma as well as his understanding, definition, integration and application of the thinking of Hsi Chu and Yang-ming Wang. Through the above analyses, this paper aims to prove that the thinking of Ma integrates that of Chu and Wang, with the former scholar as his focus and the latter as a reference. From Ma’s integration of Chu and Wang, the arguments between the Han and Song School, the discrepancies between modern style prose and classical style prose as well as the disagreements between different schools, it could be understood that he had a thorough understanding of the academic thinking of all schools, and focused on the thinking of “seeing the natural kindness of people”.
