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篇名 三至五世紀中國佛教僧眾的飲食形態
卷期 10
並列篇名 Dietary Culture of Chinese Buddhist Monks from the 3rd to the 5th Century
作者 屈大成
頁次 91-125
關鍵字 高僧傳戒律齋會蔬食辟穀Biographies of Eminent MonksVinayaAn assembly of monks with food providedVegetarianismCutting off the ingestion of grains
出刊日期 201006




Diet is an important aspect of monastic life. Numerous rules regulate
monks’ diets. The Vinaya even gives a particular chapter on medicine and food. With the spread of Indian Buddhism into China, Chinese monks were under confinement of foreign cultures and environments. Begging then turned rare.
The monks even participated into farming, stored up food and cooked inside monasteries, showing that they followed rules selectively. In addition, meat gave way to vegetable, thereby, the monks projected the spirit of benevolence of Buddhism on their diets. Based on Biographies of Eminent Monks and other historic materials, this essay investigates the dietary culture of early Chinese Buddhist monks, with a view to advance knowledge about the life of Chinese monks and how Buddhism adjusted and transformed itself following its spread to China
