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篇名 教育部頂尖大學計畫及大學教學卓越計畫補助經費與大學入學選填志願結果之研究
卷期 21
並列篇名 Relationship between Top Universities Project and University Teaching Excellence Project Budget Subsidies and Student University Choice
作者 江向才林美智黃娟娟
頁次 067-090
關鍵字 Student University ChoiceUniversity Teaching Excellence ProjectTop Universities and Research Centers Project大學教學卓越計畫頂尖大學計畫選填志願
出刊日期 201006


我國教育部為鼓勵各大學朝多元方向發展,自2005 年度至2009 年度提供五年五百億元經費,推動「發展國際一流大學及頂尖研究中心計畫」,同時自2005年度起實施「獎勵大學教學卓越計畫」補助經費政策;政府提供此二項經費補助,旨在發展頂尖大學及提升教學品質,此亦為大學入學選填志願之重要參考依據。各大學是否獲獎補助及獎補助額度可視為教育部對學校發展研究或教學評比之結果,此評比結果是否對大學入學選填志願結果產生正向訊息效果,為本研究的主要目的。實證結果發現,獲得教育部發展頂尖大學計劃的經費補助,以及獎勵大學教學卓越計畫補助款的學校對大學入學選填志願時,學校排名相對提高,對大學而言可提供辦學優良之正向之訊息。本研究結果可提供教育部對當前高等教育政策獎補助經費執行成效評估之參考,對當前高等教育政策補助經費之改進具有正面意義;各綜合大學亦可據以瞭解學生在選填入學志願之重要考量因素,做為招生策略之參考。


Taiwan's Ministry of Education (MOE) provided 50 billion budget subsidies from 2005 to 2009 for Developing International Top Universities and Research Centers Project and preformed Encouraging University Teaching Excellence Project budget subsidies from 2005 to encourage diverse development in universities. The purposes of these projects are developing the top universities and promoting the teaching quality. These budget subsidies also provide important information to students' universities choice. In this study examines whether these budget subsidies have positive signal effect in students' universities choice. The empirical results show that the Developing International Top Universities and Research Centers Project and Encouraging University Teaching Excellence Project funds can promote to the rank of school and provide positive signal effect in student university choice. The findings of this study can assist MOE to evaluate the performance of related budget subsidies policies, and also provide understanding what important factors in students' universities decision for universities recruiting strategy.
