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篇名 國小教師宗教心理、正向心理、工作壓力對生活適應之影響探析
卷期 21
並列篇名 The influence of religious psychology, positive psychology, work stress on life adaptation of the elementary School Teachers
作者 黃文三沈碩彬
頁次 001-038
關鍵字 structural equation modelinglife adaptationwork stresspositive psychnologyreligious psychologyelementary school teacher結構方程模式生活適應工作壓力國小教師正向心理宗教心理
出刊日期 201006


本研究旨在探討國小教師的宗教心理、正向心理、工作壓力及其對生活適應之影響。研究者抽取高高屏地區648 名國小教師,進行個別問卷調查來蒐集實証資料,藉由結構方程模式的徑路分析來分析。統計分析結果顯示,國小教師宗教心理顯著正向影響其生活適應,透過正向心理居中調節也可顯著影響其生活適應,而正向心理顯著正向影響其生活適應,而工作壓力則負向影響其生活適應。根據此一研究發現,研究者對未來研究提供相關建議。


This study aimed to investigate elementary school teachers in religious psychology, positive psychology, work stress and their effects on life adjustment. The researchers collected in Kaohsiung and Pingtung areas 648 elementary school teachers to carry out individual questionnaires to collect empirical data by path analysis, structural equation models to analyze. First, Statistical analysis showed that elementary school teachers' religious psychology a significant positive effect on their life adjustment directly or through their positive psychology. Second, Positive psychology has a positive effect on life adjustment, but work stress has a negitive effect on life adjustment. Based on this study, researchers provide recommendations for future research.
