
企業管理學報 EconLit

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篇名 以彙總分析法探討專案管理之關鍵成功因素
卷期 87
並列篇名 The study of cSFs to projects management by meta Analysis
作者 唐震鍾明英
頁次 027-076
關鍵字 專案管理協同管理關鍵成功因素彙總分析方法Project managementCollaborative project managementCSFMeta analysis
出刊日期 201012




There is a long time for project management development. However, the failure rate of project is still kept in high. So there are many researchers made a lot of studies about critical success factors for project management. It hasn’t a general conclusion because there are lots of various results till now. In this study, we analyzed the CSFs of project management by Meta analysis. We gathered papers from SSCI Journals with regarding to CSFs of project management and conducted an integrated framework for CSFs of project management that are organization factors, project itself, project managers, project team members and collaboration with information technology. Our conclusions provide a good way to evaluate the performance of project management not only the success but the failure reasons as well as the direction how to analyze and operate a project.
