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篇名 以生理食鹽水及優碘加生理食鹽水兩種清潔方式對導管出口處照護之比較
卷期 7:1
並列篇名 Comparison of the nursing care effect on the outlet of the peritoneal dialysis catheter between using normal saline or normal saline povidone iodine
作者 翁淑滿嬋婷蔡蕙菁陳虹如
頁次 001-011
關鍵字 導管出口處照護腹膜透析感染exit site careperitoneal dialysisinfectionTSCI
出刊日期 200806


接受腹膜透析治療之病患,需於腹腔植入一永久性導管作為灌入及引流透析液之通路,因此,又稱為腹膜透析之「生命線」。為了防止細菌從皮膚入侵至腹膜腔內,每天照護導管出口處是重要的要素。本研究旨在探討以生理食鹽水及優碘加生理食鹽水兩種照護方式,對腹膜透析病患導管出口處照護結果之影響。研究採立意取樣,橫斷性設計,分別於全省北中南四家腹膜透析院所進行資料收集,共計187位使用雙連袋系統病患參與研究,資料以SPSS 10.0/windows套裝軟體進行統計分析。結果顯示,使用生理食鹽水及使用優碘加生理食鹽水來照護導管出口處,其感染率並無差異。期盼研究結果可提供腹膜透析護理人員在臨床護理與病患每日居家自我照護之參考。


Patients receiving long-term peritoneal dialysis therapy must implant a permanent catheter which serves as the passage route for the input and outflow of peritoneal dialysis solutions, so this catheter can also be called a "lifeline". In order to prevent the migration of bacteria from the skin into the peritoneal cavity, caring for the catheter outlet should be undertaken daily, and it is considered to be an important factor. The current research is carried out in order to investigate and compare the caring effects on the outlet of the peritoneal dialysis catheter between the two kinds of caring methods involves using normal saline and povidone iodine/ normal saline. This research selected individuals at random, with transverse design, and data collection from the four peritoneal dialysis hospitals in the northern, middle and southern areas of Taiwan. A total of 187 patients managed with the two-bag system were included in this study. Data were saved and analyzed using SPSS 10.0 Windows software statistical package. The results show that there are no differences in infection rates between using normal saline and using povidone iodine/ normal saline on caring of the outlet of the peritoneal dialysis catheter. We expect this result could be applied to the consultation process for the clinical nursing of peritoneal dialysis nurses and daily self-home-care patients.
