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篇名 一位紅斑性狼瘡患者首次接受腹膜透析之護理經驗
卷期 7:1
並列篇名 Nursing experience from a systemic iupus erythematosus patient receiving peritoneal dialysis for the first time
作者 鄭美秀伍碧琦
頁次 046-059
關鍵字 連續性活動性腹膜透析全身性紅斑性狼瘡continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis CAPDsystemic lupus erythematosus SLETSCI
出刊日期 200806




The aim of this article is to describe the nursing experience of an SLE patient with ESRD who received peritoneal dialysis for the first time. Information was collected via observation, physical examination, direct nursing and history taking from January 3, 2007 to February 9, 2007. In addition, Roy's Adaptation Model for complete evaluation was used, revealing that this patient had body fluid overload, conflict decisions, situational low self-esteem and anxiety. By establishing trust and partnership, the patient was assisted in making the appropriate medical treatment decision and prioritizing the patient's priorities. By providing health education and sharing experiences from other patients, we increased the patient's understanding of the concerned disease. Actual visits to the dialysis center helped the patient to differentiate between H/D and CAPD, while the patient's mother's participation assisted this patient in the selection of a suitable form of dialysis. Incorporating relaxation therapy, we have decreased the patient's anxiety regarding surgery, allowing the patient to learn the skills of CAPD self-care. It is our hope that through this nursing experience, we can help to enlighten other nursing staff members when encountering patients under similar situations.
