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篇名 透析病患口渴的護理
卷期 6:1
並列篇名 Nursing of dialysis patients with thirstiness
作者 詹雅琦
頁次 001-008
關鍵字 透析口渴限水dialysisthirstwater restrictionTSCI
出刊日期 200706




Renal disorders have been ranked among the top four common diseases in a recent 10-year health report from the Department of Health, Executive Yuan (Executive Yuan, 2006). Patients with chronic renal disease are prone to fluid retention and are consequently restricted when it comes to water intake. Limitation of fluid intake brings both physiological and mental discomforts since the physical demand of thirst cannot be solved. Nurses usually focus on the restriction of water and lose sight of the impact of thirst on the sufferers. Herein we try to look into the definition and causes of thirstiness, as well as its impacts on dialysis patients, by means of reviewing the literature. Also, we will discuss evaluations, clinical assessments and the nursing of these patients, in detail. In this way, nurses will be able to provide more practical and solid services. By providing individualized nursing care, nurses will not only improve the thirst problem but also bring greater comfort to the patients.
