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篇名 血液透析病患需求之衛生教育
卷期 6:1
並列篇名 Health education needs for hemodialysis patients
作者 林燕如孫嘉玲謝湘俐
頁次 037-045
關鍵字 血液透析護理指導衛生教育需求hemodialysishealth educationeducation needsTSCI
出刊日期 200706




Traditional patient health education is mainly designed to ensure that patients adhere to, or comply with, a specific medical prescription or regimen. Contemporary patient health education aims to advance health care by enabling patients and their families to acquire relevant information regarding their medical problem. In the process, they could gain competence in dealing with their health problems and perform treatment-related procedures with confidence and skill. Eventually, they should be capable of making responsible and informed decisions and, thus, take charge of their own health care as much as possible. Indeed, patient health education is a very important component of the nursing process. As nursing professionals, dialysis unit nurses should plan and implement an effective and individualized patient health education program to improve health care for patients on dialysis
