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篇名 照護一位糖尿病腎病變透析病患血管通路重建之護理經驗
卷期 5:2
並列篇名 The experience to nurse a hemodialysis patient with diabetic nephropathy for vascular access reconstruction
作者 王啟明周學智
頁次 018-030
關鍵字 糖尿病腎病變血管通路diabetic nephropathyvascular accessTSCI
出刊日期 200612




This text describes the physiological, psychological and social problems as well as nursing of a patient with terminal diabetic nephropathy who had received hemodialysis treatment for only one month in the initial stage but must undergo an operation for fistula due to the vascular access embolism. The author based the case assessment based on Gordon 11-item Functional Health Pattern Assessment Method from Feb.12.to Apr. 22, 2004, collecting data by observation and interviews. The author found the patient suffered from some major nursing problems such as a changing nutritional situation, pain, eagerness to pursue health, body-image disturbance, anxiety,...etc. During the nursing process, the client was supported to confront the illness and restore the confidence and former life by the nursing team and their family through active concerning, companionship and listening. The client was also encouraged to express her mindsets. In the meantime, the medical personnel worked out projects together with the patients and their family to provide the imperative nursing care, and helped them to manage physiological malaise and eased their doubt about health.
