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篇名 照顧一位血管通路功能不良的血液透析病患之護理經驗
卷期 5:1
並列篇名 The nursing experience of caring for a hemodialysis victim with poor vascular access function
作者 方靜玉
頁次 079-092
關鍵字 末期腎病症候群血液透析血管通路end stage renal disease ESRDhemodialysisvascular accessTSCI
出刊日期 200606




This article is about a 49-year-old man who suffered from end stage renal disease (ESRD), stress, and the impact of vascular rebuilding and vascular training due to poor vascular access function while undergoing hemodialysis. During nursing care from Apr.1'92 to Oct.10'92, Gordon's 11 Health Function Evaluation was performed and data was collected via direct nursing, observatory interview, and analysis. His health problems, due to the stress of poor vascular function includes: anxiety, change in body image, and loss of specific knowledge. The author listened, gave sympathy, encouragement and support, as well as helped maintain physiologic and physical functions with his family's support in order to rebuild his self-confidence and provided related information for him to understand the importance of care-at-home. The hemodialysis case is attributed to the outpatient case in which a nurse performs individual and persisting care by various means so that the victim will accept hemodialysis treatment as a part of everyday life.
