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篇名 運用Orem理論於一位初接受腹膜透析病患之護理經驗
卷期 3:1
並列篇名 The application of orem's theory in caring a fresh esrd patient with peritoneal dialysis treatment
作者 王嬋婷方素瓔
頁次 052-063
關鍵字 末期腎衰竭腹膜透析自我照顧Orem理論end stage renal failureperitoneal dialysisself careOrem′s theoryTSCI
出刊日期 200404




Besides renal transplantation, hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis are the only replacement therapies available to treatment patients with end stage renal failure. Because some patients can self-administer peritoneal dialysis in the home, promoting the self-care of patients is a primary nursing duty. This article applies Orem’s theory with a new dialysis patient. The nursing diagnosis found impaired tissue integrity, knowledge deficits, risk for infection, and risk for fluid volume excess. Based on the nursing diagnosis, the patient was provided with supportive health education. The results show that the key points for promoting good outcomes are that the patient has effective self-care behaviors and a positive attitude towards the disease. End stage renal failure not only includes physical impairments, but also affects the patient psychologically and socially, so continued assessments, intervention, and evaluation can realize prevention and avoidance of side effects.
