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篇名 長期腹膜透析病患性問題及其相關因素探討
卷期 2:2
並列篇名 Factors related to the sexual problems of long term peritoneal dialysis patients
作者 周麗華劉雪娥
頁次 129-142
關鍵字 腹膜透析性問題peritoneal dialysissexual problemsTSCI
出刊日期 200312


本研究目的是探討長期腹膜透析患者的性問題及其影響因素。採橫斷式相關設計,以北部二所教學醫院的腹膜透析患者為研究對象。以結構式問卷收集資料,發出問卷134份,回收有效問卷107份。所得資料以SPSS 8.0進行資料分析。研究結果顯示,73%透析患者目前仍有性生活,37%患者減少性生活次數,29%患者降低性生活滿意度。缺乏性慾是男女性透析患者常見的性問題之一。影響透析患者性問題的因素包括年齡、就寢情況、營養狀況(serum albumin)、性生活次數、性生活滿意度以及夫妻日常溝通。本研究結果有助於提供醫護人員處理病患有關性方面之健康照護需要以及未來研究之參考。


The purpose of this study was to identify the sexual problems of patients who received long-term peritoneal dialysis. In this descriptive-correlation study, convenience samples were obtained from two hospital-based dialysis centers in northern Taiwan. We sent out 136 questionnaires; 107 valid questionnaires were returned. SPSS 8.0 was used for data analysis. The results showed that 73%of the subjects engage in sexual activity, 37% had reduced the frequency of sexual activity, and 30% reported decreased sexual satisfaction since beginning peritoneal dialysis therapy. Reduced sexual desire was the major sexual problem reported. Sexual problems were-profoundly influenced by age, sleep arrangement with spouse, serum albumin level1 frequency of sexual activity, satisfaction with sexual activity, and communication with each other. These results can help nurses to manage the sexual health care of their dialysis patients and promote others to conduct future studies.
